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Sagot :
Tom Ellis has revealed plans to carry on 'Miranda'.
The 37-year-old actor has said he is optimistic that the popular couple Gary and Miranda will share the screen again, and that there was plenty of story left to be told.
Speaking to radio station Magic Radio, he said: "It's been put to bed for a while, but I think we might revisit it at some point. There's no time frame, but we sat down at Christmas and talked about it, she needed a break away from it but I think there is more story to be told at some point. I think with Miranda and Gary now married and the potential for a family. So watch this space."
It's not the first time Tom has expressed a desire to revisit the popular sitcom that wrapped up in 2015.
He previously said: "We would love to revisit them at some point, the possibility of doing the movie, or a special, or something like that.
"Obviously we book-ended the series quite nicely and I think where do we go from here in terms of their story and the idea of them in their married life with children is something we'd like to explore."
Meanwhile, he thinks the prospect of Patricia Hodge as a grandmother would be great material.
He said: "Patricia Hodge, God bless her, I love her.
"I hope I haven't got myself in trouble now though. Miranda's like 'what? I've got to write it now!'"
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