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Bonjour j’aurais besoin d’aide en anglais s’il vous plaît
Je dois faire une maman qui raconte à ses enfants comment elle a rencontré leur père..
Cela doit faire 3 minutes quand je vais m’enregistrer a l’oral ..

Sagot :

Réponse :

So, kids, I know that you've been asking this a lot, this is hard for me to say but here it goes... On November 24th, 1999, it was a very cloudy day, and I went to a coffee shop to have some coffee and read a book. Nobody would come to my table, so I had to get up and ask a waiter. I ordered a spiced cappuccino because, well it was fall.  It didn't come for another 15 mins, I was very disappointed because it was my favorite coffee shop... But then your father came. Now at the time, I was furious so I didn't even talk. But thankfully your father was a talker. He asked me how my day was going, how am I, what was my name, but I still wouldn't budge. When I was about to leave, he somehow slipped his phone number in my book.  I didn't call him for another week, because I haven't read my book yet, but when I opened it, the phone number fell, I decided to call it because "what would I lose?", I called it and we talked for hours, and hours, and hours. We decided to meet at the same place we met. And that's how I met your father kids

Voila! Je vous souhaite bonne chance avec la présentation orale! Bonne journée!

Explications :

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