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Sagot :
1) The pollution.
2) Me: Hello everyone, thank you for inviting me on this stage. I am here to talk about the movement that I support which is the polltution. I will explain many things, the causes, why am I bringing up this subject but the most important is that I am going to talk about what we could do, together to change this.
3) Firstly, I'd like to tell you why do I talk about this problem. This subject holds my heart, it hurts me to see our wonderful planet degrade little by litlle. The world isn't good due to the pollution. This is destroying everything, little by little.
4) There are many causes of pollution. I am going to talk about the digital pollution because it's usually what people ignore, don't know about. Do you know that being on social media, sending messages, watching a video, receiving messages, sending mails, watching a movie,...pollute?
I am going to give you numbers so that you can realise. Each hour, the use of Internet is equal to the use of energy which corresponds to 4000 round-trips between Paris and New York by plane. It pollutes a lot, if it were a country, it would be the sixth largest consumer in the world. The searches on Google produce 16 kg of CO2 each second. Simply a mail, without attachements which is below 1 Mo produce 10 grams of CO2 which is equal to the quantity of a tree that is able to absorb in 1 day. Now, count the trees...count the mails,'s huge. We would never finish
The digital pollution is mainly due to data center. It's an enormous center of digital data storage which works 24 hours on 24 and 7 days on 7 and consumes as much as electricity as a town of 30 000 inhabitants. It consumes as much because they make a cooling power supply system for these electronics that are always on and then heat.
7) We need to know that many volunteers aim for this pollution to stop. I will now tell you how to manage all of this, find solutions. Compared to data center, the purpose is to use the less as we can and lighten their stockage. 90% of mails that we receive are indesirable, please, we need to delete and unsubscribe the indesirable mails. We need to avoid opening too much tabs at the same time and we need to click on what we want on a website without passing by Google.
We need to use useful navigators such as Ecosia or lilo
We need to keep are phones as long as we can and not changing it every year just because there's a new one or just because it has a little problem.
The most important of all is that we need to turn off all the electronic devices and also the wi-fi boxe.
I want to leave the subject of digital pollution and talk about our daily and give solutions to improve without polluing the planet.
I will tell you about throwing cigarette butts out the window.
A cigartte butts pollute 500 l of water and a cigarette butt contains more than 4000 polluting substances and will take 15 years to degrade mostly if you throw it near the water like the beach.
Talk about the bathroom, turn the water off when you brush your teeth and better, do it while taking a shower and pee while showering too so that you would use one source of water. A flush is about 9 l of water and a shower is equal to 40 l of water, having a bath means taking four to five showers at a time so avoid having baths. When you want to heat the water to take a shower, put a bucket under the tap. With this bucket, you can water your plants or do the housework or other things. You would want to take a bamboo brush, it's more resistant than the ordinary brush.
The pollution destroy little by little our planet, the seas and oceans become dirtier because of the waste thrown by humans.
J'espère que ça t'a aidé!!:))
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