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Bonsoir, j'ai un exercice à faire en Anglais, quelqu'un pourrait m'aider s'il vous plait. Bonne soirée et merci de m'aider

Sujet : Raconter une histoire d'un conte.

J'ai choisis l'histoire des 3 petits cochon.

Sagot :

Réponse :

Once upon a time, there was a pig who had three little pigs. Because of not enough food, she left them alone to subsidize their needs without help.  

The first pig, decided to go to the South of the country. When he was walking in the road, he met a farmer and asked him to send his straw to build his house. The farmer accepte and sent him some straw. The little pig built his house whit it.

But the wolf came in front of his home to eat the little pig. The wolf knocked at the door of the brick house and said: "Little pig! Little pig! Let me in! Let me in!" Obviously, the pig didn’t open the door so the wolf said: I'll blow and I'll blow and your house will fall down!" The wolf blew and blew and the house fell down. The little pig, scared, ran back to his mother's home.

The second pig went to the North. When he was walking along the road, he met a farmer who was carrying a bundle of wood, so he asked the man politely: "Excuse me, may I have that wood to build a house?"

Evidently, he said accepted and the second pig built a beautiful house.

When the little pig had just finished building his house, as the first pig, the wolf knocked at the door of the wood house and said: "Little pig! Little pig! Let me in! Let me in!"

The second pig said "No!" so the wolf said: "Then I'll blow and I'll blow and your house will fall down!" and blew and blew and the house felt down. The pig ran back to his mother's house and his mother was angry!

The third pig decided to walk to the West of the country. When he was walking along the road, he saw a farmer carrying a load of bricks. He asked him politely if he can take some bricks to build his house. The farmer accepted and the third pig built a beautiful house.

When the little pig had just finished building his house and was preparing a soup on a big pot in the brick fireplace , the wolf came the wolf knocked at the door of the brick house and said: "Little pig! Little pig! Let me in! Let me in!" The pig said "No!" so the wolf said: "I'll blow and I'll blow and your house will fall down!" and tried to blow again and again but the house didn't felt down.

The wolf, who was really hungry, let himself slide down the great brick chimney and PLOP! He felt into the pot which was very hot, Bottom first. The wolf ran out of the house, his bottom totally burnt.

That night, the pig family ate a delicious wolf bottom soup. The wolf, meanwhile, fled into the dark forest and never came back to bother the pigs.

Désolée d'avoir pris autant de temps ... :) Je tiens à préciser que je me suis inspirée de l'histoire traduite des trois petits cochons que j'avais chez moi

Bonne soirée

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