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bonjour j'ai besoin d'aide svp
complete the sentences with will + one of these verbs: be be come get like look meet
why don't you try on this jacket ? It ..........nice on you
you must meet george sometime. I think you ...... him
It's raining .Don't go out . You ............wet.
goobye. I expect we.............again before long
I wonder where I........... 20 years from now

Write questions using do you think...wil...?+ one of these verbs:
be back cost finish get married happen rain
the weather doesn't look very good .do you........
the meeting is still going on.When do you.........
my car needs to be much.......
sally and david are in
i'm going out now ok what time.........
the future situation is uncertain. what.............

Sagot :

1 It will be
2 will like
3 will be
4 will meet
5 I will come

1 do you think it will rain
2 do you think it will finish
3 how much it will cost
4 do you think they will be married
5 I will be back
6 what will happen