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Choose a city or area in your country and write the introduction for an online guide. Include the location, size, population, main attractions, shopping and travel tips, ect.
Merci d'avance

Sagot :


In my opinion, one of the most attractive things about my city is our park. We have a very large park that runs through the middle of the city. This park is a wonderful place. It provides us with many opportunities for outdoor activities, it is free to use, because it is so large, it is easy to get to from any part of the city. Everyone can take advantage of its benefits . There are tennis courts, basketball courts, soccer fields, and baseball. There is even a skateboard park. In addition, the city offers tennis lessons at an affordable rate and also sponsors teams for organized sports. At the nature center, there are guided nature walks as well as a lot of interesting information on observing nature in the park. No matter what your interest, the park has something for everyone.

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