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Bonjours, vous pouvez m aider à résoudre le problème de anglais, THE PRESENT SIMPLE OR THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS?
1. Diana_wicks
(work) as a nurse in a big hospital and she usually
(help) patients.
2. At the moment Daniel
(travel) in North America.
(Bob/like) dogs or cats?
4. James
(not+visit) his grandparents every
weekend. He
(go) to his grandmother twice a week.
5. The Browns
(live) in the countryside but this week they
(stay) in a hotel.
6. Who usually
_(do) the ironing? - My granny
7. I can't come with
because we
(have) lunch now.
8. The Moon
(go) round the Earth.
the Earth/go) round the Sun?
9. Be quiet! I
(try) to listen to his talk on Queen
Victoria. He
(always/ use) interesting facts.

Sagot :

Réponse :

1. Diana_wicks

works as a nurse in a big hospital and she usually

helps patients.

2. At the moment Daniel

is travelling  in North America.

Does he like dogs or cats?

4. James  doesn't his grandparents every

weekend. He  goes to his grandmother twice a week

Explications :

le present simple est utilisé pour des habitude alors que le present simple est utilisé pour des actions soudaine ou non habituel

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