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nowadays, teenagerare gettingmore and addictedto cigarettes. Write an articles in your school magasine to warn young people against the dangers of smoking and try to suggest ways to help the smokers give up​

Sagot :


you have to keep in mind that i'm not your parents or your teacher or the police and i'm not here to yell at you i just want to warn you about the dangers of smoking.

first, stop thinking that smoking is cool because it's not. it's not cool at all. when was the last time we saw someone smoke and we thought "wow this man is so cool" ? personnaly i've never thought that and i hope you neither!



i really hope this article helped some of you. please be careful with who you hang out with and don't smoke just to be like them, to look like someone else or to get noticed: it is NOT worth the trouble. believe me.

article written by ...........


je t'ai fait l'intro (même si elle est pas ouf mais j'avais pas d'idée) , un exemple et la fin de l'article.

je pense que tu devrais rajouter un ou deux exemples (voir trois ca dépend ce que demande ton prof)

tu peux parler des dangers sur la santé, des problèmes que tu peux avoir avec ta famille, tes parents si il apprenne que tu fumes etc

et a la fin tu devrais singer avec ton prénom et ton nom de famille

Most people don’t smoke, and that’s a good thing !
Smoking hurts your appearance ,damages your skin and yellows your teeth ,smoking hurts your lungs , so you’re more likely to get sick ,smoking makes people short of breath , so they haves thougher time moving around and playing sports , smoking causes lung cancer , heart disease , Increased risk of illness. Studies show that smokers get sick more with colds, flu, bronchitis, and pneumonia than nonsmokers. And people with some health conditions, like asthma, get sicker if they smoke (and often if they're just around people who smoke). Teens who smoke as a way to manage their weight often light up instead of eating. So their bodies can lack the nutrients needed to grow, develop, and fight off illness well.

The only thing that really helps is staying away from all these products. This isn't always easy, especially if everyone around you is smoking or vaping. It may help to have your reasons for saying no ready for times you may feel the pressure. Try "I just don't like it" or "I want to stay in shape for soccer" (or football, basketball, or other sport).
When quitting, know that the first few days are the hardest. So don't give up. Some people find they have a few relapses before they manage to quit for good.
Staying smoke-free will give you more energy, better looks, more money in your pocket, and in the long run, more life to live!