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Bonjour j'ai des exercice en anglais j'ai besoin d'aide svpppGrammar exercises – Preterit / Present PerfectExercise 1: Use the present perfect (HAVE + p.passé)
1. Someone (steal) my laptop. I can’t watch this video tonight.
2. I (buy) a new telephone. It’s so cool.
3. Karyn (write) a wonderful letter. I’m very touched.
4. (ever/you/be) to New York?
5. We (often / visit) Central Park.
6. I (not/finish) my homework yet.
7. Peter and Alice (live) in Moscow for six years now.

Exercise 2: put the sentences in the correct order
1. I have improved a lot in English since last year.
2. She was here before you.
3. They have never visited England.
4. She didn’t say where she met him.
5. Have you seen Matthew today?

Exercise 3 : In the following sentences, underline the time indicators then choose the correct tense.
1. She (buy) a new car last month.
2. I (never / eat) anything so delicious!
3. She (go) to San Francisco many times.
4. She (start) working in this factory 2 weeks after it was opened.
5. We (know) each other since 1999.
6. Twenty people (die) in the accident yesterday.
7. We (always / have) turkey for Thanksgiving but last November we (decide) to change and have beef.
8. When (you/last/meet) her?
9. My mother (be born) in Honolulu.

Sagot :


exercice 1

1 someone have stolen

2 i have bought

3 karyn has written

4 you have ever been

5 you have often visited

6 i haven't finished

7 péter and Alice have lived

exercice 2

1 2 4 5 3

exercice 3

1 she bought

2 i never est

3 she Goes

4 she starterd

5 we knew

6 died

7 had decided

8 met

9 is born