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Bonjour quelqu'un pourrait m'aider svp pour mon devoir en anglais j'arrive pas svp aider moi. Merci beaucoup

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Bonjour Quelquun Pourrait Maider Svp Pour Mon Devoir En Anglais Jarrive Pas Svp Aider Moi Merci Beaucoup class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

a. According to the text, one issues that immigrant family face is language. They usually have to abandon their native languages.

b. Sometimes, immigrant children's parents have to not teach their children their native languages, because they need to concentrate on the language of the country that they live in.

c. The assets of coming from a multicultural family are the ability to speak several languages and the pride of coming from two cultures. The difficulties are to not mix the different languages and to feel "normal".