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Activity V: Use the right tense or form of the verbs in brackets. (3 marks)
The European ships arrived in Africa in about 1700. But the slavery......
(to exist)
centuries before that period. Kounta Kinte was a young black child taken from his motherland, Africa
(to bring) to America. It was the first time he..........
leave) his beloved countryside. While......... ...(to travel) to America, he cried a lot. During all
the time he.......
(to spend) in America, he dreamt of returning to Africa when he finally
realized it ..........
(to be) impossible

Sagot :

Réponse :

The European ships arrived in Africa in about 1700. But the slavery existed

centuries before that period. Kounta Kinte was a young black child taken from

his motherland, Africa and brought to America. It was the first time he left his beloved countryside. While traveling to America, he cried a lot. During all

the time he spent in America, he dreamt of returning to Africa when he finally

realized it was impossible

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