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Hello// Bonjour voici le texte et les questions au quel je doit répondre si vous pourriez m’aider svp je doit le rendre avant ce soir/// Hello here is the text and the questions that I must answer if you could help me please I must return it before tonight
" What makes a superhero?"
What makes a superhero? Is it the costume, the mask, the cape that flows
behind them as they fly away to save the day once again? Is it the strength
of ten men, the x-ray vision, the ability to regenerate within seconds of
receiving a wound? Or is it the morality and empathy that drives them to put the well-
being of an entire population above their own?
One could argue that it is all of these things. What is a superhero without powers,
without a secret identity, without extraordinary strength? Obviously there are some
heroes that don't have the powers, but are still "super" in their own right.
The Archetype
Superman, hands down, is a classic archetype superhero.
Heis, after all, "faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful
than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single
bound". He can fly, he's incredibly strong, and he's got a
kick-ass costume to top it all off. He also has the alter ego,
Clark Kent, the passive, milquetoast reporter of Metropolis's.
Daily Planet. The secret identity is one of the main trademarks
of a superhero. After all, if everyone knew that little Clark
Kent was really Superman, well, he wouldn't be able to get
anything done at the Planet, now would he? People would
23 get to expect too much of him and he wouldn't be able to run
off and anonymously save the world from mass destruction
if he is constantly getting flagged down to save a cat stuck in
a tree. Superman is considered the prototype for subsequent
superheroes, although there are many that stray from this
basic formula
Associated Content (November 2007)