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faire une histoire en aglais aidez moi svp​

Sagot :

Réponse :

The ugly Duckling

Andersen's Tale

Oh ! how good it was outside in the country! It was summer. The wheat was

yellow, green oats, hay was collected in piles in the green meadows, and the

stork walked on its long red legs and spoke Egyptian, for its

mother had taught him this language. Around the fields and meadows there were

great forests, and in the midst of the forests of deep lakes; yes, really, he

was good in the country. In full sun rose an old castle surrounded

deep moat, and from the base wall to the water sprouted

broad-leaved burdocks, so tall that small children could hide

standing behind the bigger ones: the place was as wild as the most

thick forest, and a duck was there on its nest she was brooding her ducklings which

had to come out of eggs, but she was starting to have enough, because this

had been going on for a long time, and we rarely came to see it; the other ducks

liked to swim in the moat rather than climb and stay under a

burdock leaf to chat with her.

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