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Merci d'avance

1 Dans ces répliques, conjugue un verbe au present
perfect, l'autre au présent be -ing et ajoute always.
a) Oh no! You ... my phone! (break)
You ... other people's stuff! (break)
b) I can't believe it! He... my bike to go to school! (take) He...
my things! (take)
c) They ... (not / clean up) after their party. So typical of them!
They ... (do) that!​

Sagot :



a) Oh no, you broke my phone ! You are always breaking other people's stuff !

b) I can't believe it ! He took my bike to go to school ! He is always taking my things !

c) They didn't clean up after their party. So typical of them ! They are always doing that !

Et voilà : )