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vi. Based on the information given in the passage, choose the correct option:

a. The percentage of the population living below the poverty line in India

increased to 37% in 2011-12 from 22% in 2004-05.

b. The current methodology for poverty estimation is based on the

recommendations of the Tendulkar Committee.

c. Poverty declined at an average rate of 2.18 percentage points per year between

1993-94 and 2004-05.

d. In 1944, the authors of the Bombay Plan (Thakurdas et al 1944) suggested a

poverty line of * 100 per capita per year.

Vi Based On The Information Given In The Passage Choose The Correct Optiona The Percentage Of The Population Living Below The Poverty Line In Indiaincreased To class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

b or maybe a bc idk if u made a mistake or not on the 100 but if its not its b

Explications :

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