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J'aurais besoin que quelqu'un m'aide...
Pour ce devoir il faut faire un paragraphe sur la fausse histoire du thanksgiving et un autre paragraphe la vraie histoire,bien détaillée et des informations importantes
Minimum 5-6-7l ignes pars paragraphes. Merci

Sagot :


Réponse :

Salut! Je serais ravie de t'aider mais je peux seulement te faire le paragraphe sur la vraie histoire dsl:

On 1620, a little ship called the Mayflower came to America with one hundred people on board. The people were called pilgrims. They came to america because they didn't agree with teh king about religion. The first winter in America was very cold. They didn't have much foods and clothes. Many pilgrims got sick and died. But they worked hard. They learn how to hunt turkey and how to built houses. In the spring, the Indians came to visit. They showed the pilgrims how to plant corn. When fall came; the pilgrims were thankful to the indians and to God for all the good things they had. They made a big dinner with the indians. It was the first thanksgiving in 1621.

J'espère t'avoir aidé. Bon courage :-)
