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b-connect the types of films corresponding to these definitions :
*an exciting thrilling plot about a crime. The hero may be a detective or a murderer, a goodie or a baddie ->
*a frightening, creepy film which tells a goring story about strange unnatural events ->
*a hilarious movie with a cast playing pleasant happy roles, full of humour->
*a peachy movie which makes the audience feel happy and with a positive ending ->
*a film whose characters have been usually drawn or computer-generated. Blockbusters like Ice Age and
Despicable me ->
*A romantic story. 2 people fall in love->
*An interesting story because it tells the true-to-life story of a famous historical character →
*A moving and touching movie which ends up dramatically or with a sad outcome →
*A breath-taking plot, with a lot of suspense. The story generally opposes fighting people or countries ->
An outstanding action-packed plot. It keeps you on the edge of your seat and tells the story of a legendary
hero and what he did ->

Sagot :


1. Thriller

2. Science fiction or horror movie

3. Comedy


5. Cartoon

6. Romance

7. Historical movie maybe

8. Drama

9. Action maybe

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