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Sagot :


Bus driver: Your place is on the back of the bus.

Rosa Parks: ...

Bus driver: I'm talking to you.

Rosa Parks: And I won't stand up.

Bus driver: Don't dare me

Rosa Parks: So do your job and drive.

Bus driver: I won't tell you twice!

Rosa Parks: It's my right to freely take the bus and sit where I want, this story of places is unnecessary.

What's the different between you and me? Skin color? Ok. Sex genre? Ok, true? Then why don't you accept that I'm human just like you.

Bus driver: Bullshit... you are black and your place is not there, go on the back of the bus, right now.

Rosa Parks looks at him deeply into his eyes and say:

You know what's the different between you and me?

I'm the master, and you the dog.