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Bonjour pouvez vous m’aider pour l’exercice 3 svp

Bonjour Pouvez Vous Maider Pour Lexercice 3 Svp class=

Sagot :


Réponse :


1. Mrs Bell was hanging out the washing when the washing line broke.

2. Jenny was painting a picture when she spilled the paint

3. Mr Bell was driving to the station when his car broke down.

4. Mrs Bell was chopping carrots when she cut her finger.

5. Nick and Tom were playing football when the ball broke the window.

6. Mr Bell was going up the fifth floor when the lift got stuck.

7. Tom was climbing a tree when the branch broke

8. Jenny was sleeping when the telephone woke her up.

9. Amanda was playing her walkman when the cassette got stuck

10. The children were watching television when the picture went off.

11. Trig was swinging on the lamp when it fell down.

12. Nick and Jenny were having picnic when it started to rain.

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