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Past Simple Tense Exercises

1) Complete the sentences with the SIMPLE PAST of the verbs in parentheses:

a) They
(watch) TV last night.
b) Priscila
(talk) to her friends all day.
(have) a terrible headache yesterday.
d) Bob
(come) home from school late.
e) They
(arrive) late and
(miss) the bus.
f) She
(study) hard and
(pass) the exam.
g) He
(call) the office to tell them he was sick.
h) 1
(speak) to the director as he was leaving the room.
Dr. Johnson
(get up) early this morning.
1) Mary
(do) her homework and
(go) to
k) Chris
(find) a ten-dollar bill.
1) The dog
(follow) us down the road.
m) Those students
(work) hard last semester.
n) Lucio
(stop) at the corner and
(call) us.
o) 1
(try) to talk to Helen last night.
p) 1
(pay) the phone bill yesterday.
9) My dad
(catch) a cold when he
(be) in
r) She
(leave) home early yesterday.
s! They
(know) each other very well when they
(be) kids.
t) The teacher
(bring) the exams corrected.
u) She was cleaning the vase when she
(drop) it.
v) We
(jog) in the park yesterday.
w) The fire
(occur) while we
(be) out.
(meet) some nice people at the party last weekend.
y) Carol
(sleep) until late on the weekend. Then, she
(go) out to lunch.
2) We
(fly) to the USA on a great airplane.

Sagot :

watched / talked / had / came / arrived / missed / studied / past/ called/ spoke / got up / did / went /found/ followed/ worked/ stopped/ called /tried / paid / caught /was / left / knew /were/ brought / dropped /jogged /occurred /were / met / slept / went / flew//.




c) had

d) came

e) arrived/ missed

f) studied/ passed

g) called

h) spoke

I)got up





n) stopped/ called

o) tried

p) paid

q) caught/ went

r) left

s) knew/ were

t) brought

u) dropped

v) jogged

w) occurred/ were

x) met

y) slept/ went

z) flied

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