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B) Complete. Use the correct form of the present simple.
1. I—-----—
this magazine because I haven't got enough money. (not buy)
2. It's cloudy today. We............
the sun. (not see)
3. My sister...............
emails yet, she's very young. (not send)
4. People in Germany............
Italian, they speak German. (not speak)
5. He.............
to people because he's really shy. (not talk)
6. They..............
to go to the forest because they are afraid of insects. (not want)
7. Mary................
her homework because she
the questions
(not do / not understand)
8. Your friends.......
fish because they........
it. (not eat/not like)

9. This animal swims but it........(not run)
10. The Zookeeper...............
the animals in the evening. (not feed)​

Sagot :

Réponse :

1.didn't buy

2.didn't see

3.didn't send

4.doesn't speak

5.doesn't talk

6.didn't want

7.didn't do, didn't understand

8.doesn't eat, doesn't like

9.doesn't run

10.didn't feed