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j'ai besoin d'un texte en anglais qui raconte mes vacances de Noël en 160 mots merci si vous avez besoin de plus de détails dire le moi merci ​

Sagot :

Réponse :

The month of December has arrived. The winter season will soon set in, and the cold has already started to be felt. The first decorations and illuminations invade the interior and exterior spaces of our homes. This is the spirit of Christmas! From the fir tree emanates this so special and pleasant smell. This perfume which is part of our childhood and which instantly brings us back to our past memories that we have treasured deep within us. Eyes in wonder, we look at the Christmas decorations and lights with our eyes not as adults but with our eyes as children. Great children that we have remained despite age and the passage of time. A period defines as magical, of sharing, where we buy the many gifts with excitement and contentment for the people we love. We look forward to the famous evening of December 24 or 25 to put all the gifts under the tree

Explications :


During the holidays, I did not go on vacation, with this virus runs around the world I preferred to stay at home to protect myself and my loved ones. During the holidays I went skiing it was superb! Then I returned home the morning of Christmas Eve. Just after coming home from skiing I went to buy the gifts for my family with my mother. Then in the evening it was the Christmas meal it was great we had to eat well. The next day I opened my presents, got a computer and a manga. I was very happy :)

On New Year's Eve, I basically have a party with my friends but with this epidemic I prefer not to take any risks. So I celebrated them as a family, it was superb. I didn't sleep, I took advantage. On the first day of this new year I slept because I had not slept the day before :)

Voilaa :)) J'éspére t'avoir aidez si tu veux la traduction en francais dit moi je l'ai :)))

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