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Bonsoir, est-ce que quelqu’un pourrais me donner un coup de main c’est à rendre pour demain, merci d’avance

Bonsoir Estce Que Quelquun Pourrais Me Donner Un Coup De Main Cest À Rendre Pour Demain Merci Davance class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

When i was up in space, when i looked at Earth, i remembered all the effort i've done to be here, and i couldn't be more proud of myself. It was hard. I had to work a huge amount of time, i had to train hard, to be serious, and every second i spend on this goal worth it. And trust me that, in space, nothing is more important than our training. To be a man or a women doesn't change anything. So when i hear that women can't be as good as men in jobs just because they're "women" its revolting me. If you want to be a footballer, be a footballer. And if anywone dare to say that it isn't for girls, defi and beat him. If a man ever say that he's better than you in anything just because he's a man and not because he worked hard to be this good, proove him you can be better than him if you train hard. A women can apply wherever she wants, a men to. Its time to beat gender normes that are ruining our socity. Men and women can do whatever they want to do. They only have to listen to themselves, not someone who don't even know they're name. So girls, boys, follow your dreams, do what you want, and be proud to do it because you like it and worked hard for it. If you want, you can. And if the little girl i was, filled with fear like all of you became the strong girl who travelled in space who i am now, you can do the same.

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