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Bonjour, pouvez vous m’aider à répondre à ces questions à l’aide de ce texte s’il vous plaît :

New York City, also known as the Big Apple, is
both a huge city and the name of the state where it is
located. It is the most important city in the United
States and the biggest port too, however it is not the
capital city. It has more than 9.500.000 inhabitants.
There are five main boroughs and several
islands in New York connected to the continent by many
bridges. The most famous islands are probably
Manhattan and Liberty Island where you can find the
not less famous Statue of Liberty, offered by the French
to the American people as a Symbol of freedom.
New York is very big. bigger than we can imagine. There are three airports: J.F.K., La Guardia
and Newark: 200 bus routes: 12.000 taxis and ten subway lines. New York streets are also larger and
longer, some of them are kms long and they are named with numbers. The most important avenue is 5th
Avenue, famous for its luxury shops.
The biggest and most famous park New York is Central Park, in the centre of Manhattan,
where you can find a zoo, skating rinks, sports courts, two lakes, a pool...
New York is also well known for its museums, skyscrapers as big as your eyes can see
Broadway and its shows, cinemas, theatres, restaurants and the financial world.
New York is a fantastic city! It's the place where you can do and see everything. It's the city that
never sleeps.

Bonjour Pouvez Vous Maider À Répondre À Ces Questions À Laide De Ce Texte Sil Vous Plaît New York City Also Known As The Big Apple Is Both A Huge City And The N class=

Sagot :


(des 10 premières questions)

Question 1 : Non

Question 2 : Oui

Question 3 : Non

Question 4 : Non

Question 5 : Non

Question 6 : Non

Question 7 : Non

Question 8 : Non

Question 9 : Oui

Question 10: Non


Question 1 : la Capital est Washiron New York est juste une grande ville.

Question 2 : "also known as the Big Apple " (aussi connue sous le nom de grande pomme)

Question 3 : "famous Statue of Liberty, offered by the French" ( Célèbre statut de la liberté offerte par les français)

Question 4 : la statue de la liberté est un monument

Question 5 : il y a plus de 9.500.000 (neuf millions cinq cent mille) habitants

Question 6 : c'est un aéroport

Question 7 : les nom sont en nombres pas en animaux

Question 8 : les "skyscrapers" sont des gratte ciel

Question 9 : "Broadway and its shows, cinemas, theatres"

Question 10 : Central Park est un gigantesque parc qui regroupe zoo, piscine, patinoire et deux lacs

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