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Emma Washington a student at ESL preparaty school. a bad thing happened to her when she was oged 10. Le terrible day, her brother jed went out on his motorbike. a car hit homme and he died. Emma was very,very upset when her brother died. now, she was 13 and happy at school. she had a good friend, aisha.
the friends did everything together. they played computer games, they went to the cinema they laughed and they joked all the time. one evening after school, aisha went round to Emma house. they cooked a pizza and went up to Emma bedroom. Emma go onto Facebook and she left a message for Tom a boy in the same class a the girls .she told Tom that aisha fancied him and wanted to go out with him!she thought this was funny, but when aisha saw it, she was reallly angry. she shouted at Emma and soon after she went home. she fell out with Emma
when she got home, aisha got back on to Facebook. she wanted to ger her reverge on Emma. she thought about what she could do. then, she had an idea she put a photo of jed, Emma brother, on Facebook, with a cruel message.
that message said jed did not love Emma. she was a bad sister. When Emma saw this, she was very upset and she cried. she knew that aisha had done this bad thing and she could not understand why.
the next day, aisha knew she had done something really nasty, but she did not apologise

answer true or false. correct the false sentences
1) aisha is younger than Emma
2) Emma likes animals and going for long walks
3) The girls are student at the ESLPrep school
4) Emma brother Jed was killed while out on his quad bike
5)Jed was killed four years before the girls fell out.
6) the girls went to Emma house for a fish and chipe supper
7) aisha posted a message on Facebook, saying that Emma fancied Tom,a boy in their class.
8) aisha was reallly angry when Emma posted that she fancied tom
9) aisha wanted revenge
10) aisha put a message on Facebook about Jed, Emma brother
11) the next day ,aisha apologised

answer the question in full sentences.
1) What happened to Jed,Emma brother ?
2) How did Emma feel her brother died ?
3) list three activities that the friends did together
4) What message did Emma post on Facebook ?
5) Why did she do it ?
6) How did aisha feel about Emma post?
7) What do you think about Emma post? Was it funny ? Why or why not ?
8) What do you think about the post that aisha made?
9) Who acted worse? Emma or aisha ?
10) Should aisha make a full apology
11) How would you like this story to end?

Quelqu'un peut m'aider stp?

Sagot :


1) Yes

2) No

3) yes

4) nos

5) yes

6) no

7)  No

8) no

9) yes

10) yes

11) Yes

Exercice 2 :

1) What happened to Jed, Emma's brother?

He died of a motorcycle accident, a car hit him.

2) How did Emma feel that her brother had died?

She was upset.

3) List three activities the friends did together.

Cinema, cooked in September, playing video games.

4) What message did Emma post on Facebook?

What aicha was in love with tom.

5) Why did she do it?

for fun.

6) What did Aisha think of Emma's post?

She was angry.

7) What do you think of Emma's post? It was funny? Why or why not ?

For me it might be funny but not for everyone, I think she really likes it.

8) What do you think of the message Aisha made? It is very very méchnat.

9) Who did the most wrong? Emma or Aisha?


10) Should Aisha issue a full apology


11) How would you like this story to end?

That emma move away so as not to see Aicha again because it's nasty what she did!

J'éspére t'avoir aidez :)))

Bonne chance ;)

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