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Bonjour j’ai cette questions à faire pour demain quelqu’un peut m’aider ? Write an entry about the evolution of the British empire for the encyclopedia published on your school's intranet

Sagot :


Réponse :

Voilà un petit résumé du début de l'évolution de l'empire Britannique ( j'ai pris du temps donc j'espère que ça va vous plaîre ) Bonne année !

Explications :

The territorial evolution of the British Empire is considered to have begun with the foundation of the English colonial empire in the late 16th century.

Since then, many territories around the world have been under the control of the United Kingdom or its predecessor states.

When the Kingdom of Great Britain was formed in 1707 by the union of the Kingdom of Scotland with the Kingdom of England, the latter country's colonial possessions passed to the new state.

Similarly, when Great Britain was united with the Kingdom of Ireland in 1801 to form the United Kingdom, control over its colonial possessions passed to the latter state.

Collectively, these territories are referred to as the British Empire. Upon much of Ireland gaining independence in 1922 as the Irish Free State, the other territories of the Empire remained under the control of the United Kingdom.

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