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Hey guys can you help me please
5- You are a member of a foundation (The Red Cross/ Doctors
Without Borders/ RSCPA/ UNICEF... tell:
A) what has been done so far and how se qui a été fait jusque
B) what you are going to do in the future for this organisation (8 lines
minimum). Pay particular attention to the structures!

Sagot :

The association is made up of both healthcare professionals and non-medical teams who provide assistance to communities where life or health are under threat.

Our teams are responding to the coronavirus emergency on multiple front in health facilities around the world. MSF is also working with local authorities in many of the countries where we have medical projects to help support the COVID-19 response. A key priority is to keep our regular medical programs running for the tens of thousands of patients we help support. This pandemic threatens the lives of people around the world, and presents even greater risks in countries with weak or fragile health systems. You may apply for either a specific advertised post or to join one of our pools.

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