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Black Lives Matter qui veut dire « la vie des Noirs compte » c’est t un mouvement politique né en 2013 aux États-Unis après l’acquittement de George Zimmerman, qui a tué par balles un adolescent noir de 17 ans non armé.Qui était aussi un hashtag utilisé sur les réseaux sociaux. Ce mouvement a été lancé par 3 femmes afro-américaines:Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors et Opal Tometi. Alicia Garza a écrit sur Facebook un message intitulé «A Love Note to Black People» dans laquelle apparaissait: «Our Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter». Patrisse Cullors a répondu: #BlackLivesMatter. Le mouvement était né.
Ce mouvement est contre le racisme envers les Noirs qui est contre les atteintes mortelles de personnes noires par des policiers blancs. Et à la violence policière
Le mouvement occupe une place importante dans les manifestations de l'été 2020 aux États-Unis et dans le monde, après la mort de George Floyd, qui sont ensuite ravivées par la mort d'autres hommes noirs lors de leur arrestation par des policiers blancs, comme Rayshard Brooks, , ce mouvement a donné lieu en réaction au slogan All Lives Matter (« toutes les vies comptent ») et au mouvement de défense de la police Blue Lives Matter (« les vies bleues comptent »). Depuis 2013, le mouvement ne cesse de faire parler de lui. La raison : les nombreux meurtres d’afro-américains. Aujourd’hui ce slogan est devenu l’un des plus influents dans la défense des droits civiques.

Sagot :


Black lives matter means " la vie des noirs compte", it's a political movement born in 2013 in the USA after the acquittal of George Zimmerman which was shooted by a black 17 years old teenager unarmed. Which was also a hashtag used on social media. This movement was started by 3 African-American women: Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi. Alicia Garza wrote a Facebook post titled "A Love Note to Black People" which featured: "Our Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter". Patrisse Cullors replied: #BlackLivesMatter. The movement was born.

This movement is against racism against blacks which is against fatal attacks on black people by white police officers. And police violence

The movement looms large in the summer 2020 protests in the US and around the world after the death of George Floyd, which are then rekindled by the deaths of other black men when they were arrested by white police officers. , like Rayshard Brooks, this movement gave rise in reaction to the slogan All Lives Matter ("toutes les vies comptent") and the police advocacy movement Blue Lives Matter ("les vies des bleus comptent"). Since 2013, the movement has never ceased to be talked about. The reason: the many Afro-American murders. Today this slogan has become one of the most influential in the defense of civil rights.

Black Lives Matter which means “black lives matter” is a political movement born in 2013 in the United States after the acquittal of George Zimmerman, who shot and killed an unarmed 17-year-old black teenager. was also a hashtag used on social media. This movement was started by 3 African-American women: Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi. Alicia Garza wrote a Facebook post titled "A Love Note to Black People" which featured: "Our Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter". Patrisse Cullors replied: #BlackLivesMatter. The movement was born.
This movement is against racism against blacks which is against fatal attacks on black people by white police officers. And police violence
The movement looms large in the summer 2020 protests in the US and around the world after the death of George Floyd, which are then rekindled by the deaths of other black men when they are arrested by white police officers. , like Rayshard Brooks, this movement spawned in reaction to the slogan All Lives Matter ("all lives matter") and the police advocacy movement Blue Lives Matter ("blue lives matter"). Since 2013, the movement has never ceased to be talked about. The reason: the many African-American murders. Today this slogan has become one of the most influential in the defense of civil rights.