Passive form
The football match was watched on TV by Alan and Vincent.
Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.
The Dupuy's house was painted by Mely.
The cup was won by the French team.
A beautiful picture of the sea was taken by Alexandre.
Mathis was seen at the restaurant with a beautiful girl by my mother.
We will rock you was sung by Freddy Mercury.
Da Vinci Code was read by my parents.
A purse was found by Alrick.
My sister was bitten by a dog outside school.
A vase was broken by Romain.
A delicious cake was brought by Sofia and Manel.
A big pizza was eaten by Sabri.
A terrible noise was heard by the children last night.
The pupils were told by the teacher to learn the English lesson .
The English lesson was learnt by Dorianne and Angelina.
The house was built in two months.
The accident was caused by the fog.
Ton exo est assez simple. Tous les verbes sont au prétérit ce qui donne à la voix passive "BE" au prétérit (was/were) suivi du participe passé du verbe? (attention aux verbes irréguliers)
Le sujet devient le complément d'agent introduit par "by" (sauf dans l'avant dernière... trop imprécis, on ne le mentionne pas)
Bonne journée ☺☺☺