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J'ai un Dm en Anglais sur la bande-annonce "SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE" il y a un questionnaire à trou à remplir. (besoin de réponses en urgence)

Merci à tous !​

BonjourJai Un Dm En Anglais Sur La Bandeannonce SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE Il Y A Un Questionnaire À Trou À Remplir Besoin De Réponses En UrgenceMerci À Tous class=

Sagot :


Bonjour !

Young Will Shakespeare is having a bad year, his last two shows flopped, the theater is about to go bankrupt.

- "Notice will be posted !"

and the gangsters are moving in.

- "The show must..."

- "Go on !"

The last thing he needs right now is a nasty case of writer's block.

- "What is it called ?"

- "Romeo and Ethel, the Pirate's daughter."

- "What is the story ?"

- "Well... there's this pirate..."

Enter his very own Julia...

- "Who is she ?"

- "Dream on, Will."

- "I heard you're a poet."

- "I wasn't until now."

- "Shakespeare !"

- "My heart belongs to you but I will marry Wessex a week from Saturday."

- "Is she fertile ?"

- "She will breed. If she do not, send her back."

- "If they find you here, they will kill you."

- "For one kiss, I would defy a thousand Wessexes !"

Miramax Films and Universal Pictures present a truly romantic comedy of errors.

- "That woman... is a woman !"

- "The house is stirring, it is a new day."

- "It is a new world... I will have poetry in my life and adventure and love."

Gwyneth Paltrow, Joseph Fiennes, Colin Firth, Academy Award-winner Geoffrey Rush, [...] Academy Award-winner Ben Affleck...

- "What is the play and what is my part ?"

And Academy Award nominee Judy Dench as Queen Elizabeth.

- "She's been plucked since I saw her last and not by you. It takes a while to know it."

Shakespeare in love.

- "Romeo and Juliet... Just a suggestion."

- "Good title."

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