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j'arrive pas du tout, c'est en anglais
il faut corriger les phrases et les mettant à la forme négative.
a. Captain America's enemy
was the same in the 1940s
and in the 1950s.
b. Joe Simon and Jack Kirby
created Captain America
in the 1930s.
c. At the origin, Captain
America fought against
imaginary villains.
d. The Planeteers got their
powers from Captain
e. The five rings embodied five different planets.
c'est pour un DM que je dois rendre ce soir merci ^_^​

Sagot :


a - Captain America's enemy wasn't the same in 1940s and in the 1950s.

b - Joe Simon and Jack Kirby didn't create Captain America in the 1930s.

c - At the origin, Captain America didn't fight against imaginary villains.

d - The Planeteers didn't get their power from captain planet

e - The five rings didn't embodi five different planets