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Réponse :
I prepare for your exams in different ways. Firstly,I make a plan in order to organize my studies and prepare better for my exams. Besides, I choose a brightly and quite place that helps me concentrate in my studies and feel comfortable without being anxious. SECONDLY,I avoid using my cell phone during this period because it makes me lazy and busy all the time. MOREOVER ,I eat healthy food,drink a lot of water in order to be healthy. THirdly,I practice on old exams so as to discover my faults and know how much time I need to Finish it. Furthermore,I usually go to the park so as to prepare with my friends,so that we can express our opinions effectively and help each other. Finally,I use charts and diagrams because it's extremely helpful ;I can remember and memorize all the informations thanks to them. To sum up,the exams will be easy if you work hard and intelligently and the most important thing is motivation, the key to success in studying.
I prepare for my exams in different ways. Firstly,I make a plan in order to organize my studies and prepare better for my exams.I choose a bright and quiet place, that helps me concentrate in my studies and I feel comfortable without any anxiety . SECONDLY,I avoid using my cell phone during this period because it makes me lazy and busy all the time.I eat healthy food,drink a lot of water in order to be healthy.Thirdly ,I practice on old exams so i can see where my mistakes are and know how much time I need to finish it. Furthermore,I usually go to the park to prepare with my friends,so that we can express our opinions effectively and help each others. Finally,I use charts and diagrams because it's extremely helpful ;I can remember and memorize all the informations thanks to it. To sum up,the exams will be easy if you work hard and intelligently.The important thing is motivation because it is the key to success in studying.
I am not sure but i think that what I wrote is correct.
I hope I helped you .
I am not sure but i think that what I wrote is correct.
I hope I helped you .
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