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Sagot :


The falcon told the king one day that it was the suitable time to go hunting. The king liked her suggestion and set out with his hunting troop. They went to a valley and spread a net. Soon, a gazelle was trapped in the area covered by the net. The king’s men started closing in to catch the gazelle. The king warned his men not to allow the gazelle to escape. He threatened to punish the person who let the gazelle escape the net with death. The gazelle was frightened. It moved towards the king and suddenly jumped over his head and escaped. The king’s men started whispering that the king himself had allowed the gazelle to escape. When the king came to know about this he declared that he would not return until he caught the gazelle. He set out on his horse. The falcon rose high up into the air and spotted the running gazelle. She swooped down on the gazelle and blinded it with her sharp claws. The king killed the gazelle with his mace. The king stripped the gazelle’s skin, put it across his saddle. It was a hot afternoon. They were all thirsty, but there was no sign of water anywhere


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