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bonjour, pouvez vous m'aidez svp. Je dois inventer une suite a sa
THEY say that there was a king among the Kings of Fārs who was a great
lover of sport, of riding through the great gardens, and of all kinds of hunting. He
had a falcon which he had trained himself and which never left him by day or
night; for even during the night he carried it upon his fist and when he went
hunting and coursing took it with him.
Merci d'avance c'est vraiment gentil

Sagot :


one day he was going for a hunt he took his falcon through the forest suddenly he found a a white light he thought that it was just a camper but when he arrived it was a really beautiful lady, it looked like a n Angel but she was from another kingdom when he asked her she said that she was from Tenassy it was an enemy kingdom he knew that they won't accept it but he decided to bring her when he brought her the people of the kingdom didn't accept her and the said that he is a betrayer he ran away and lived with her in the forest the king used his skills of hunting to live and they lived happy together

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