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Pouvez vous m'aider s'il vous plaît j'ai un dm d'anglais pour demain. Je suis en seconde la prof est assez exigeante.
La consigne est d'écrire une lettre à soi même dans 10 ans en expliquant ce que l'on veut être comme personne.(write a message to yourself explaining what kind of person you want to be in ten years.)
J'ai commencé mais j'ai du mal.
J'ai écris :
Dear future me,
I'm you of the past when I write this letter I'm 15 years old and I'm in 10 grades.if you read this letter you will remember why I write this letter.
I can't imagine me in ten years because for me it's in a long time but I know the time will pass fastly.
There a lot of things I want you do or has done so far and things I hope you stop to do .
First,I hope you stop to sleep late and procrastinate.
Second,I dream of going a surgeon since I'm little so I wish I will go in medicine college.Normally when you read this letter you are in 7 years of medicine.
Third,I used to be organised but I would like to become organized now . I used to practice sport but please for your health do a sport.I used to eat with my family all week in restaurant but now you have the money for guests your family one day in restaurant.
And finally,I will have a big pretty house whith a big pretty car.
Take care of you and your family.​

Sagot :

Réponse :Dear future me,

I'm the you of the past when I write this letter I will be 15 years old and will be in the 10th grade. If you read this letter you will remember why I wrote it.

I can't imagine myself in ten years because for me, it is too far ahead but I know the time will pass quickly.

There are a lot of things I want you to do and many things I hope you stop doing .

Firstly ,I hope you stop going to sleep late and procrastinating.

Secondly ,I dream of becoming a surgeon since I'm little so I wish I will go to medical school. Normally when you read this letter you will be in 7 years of medical school.

Thirdly ,I used to practice sports but please for your health, keep practicing. I used to go to the restaurant every week with my famill  but now you have the money for guest too so i hope you invite them too as soon as possible.

And finally ,I hope i have a big pretty house with a big pretty car.

Take care of yourself and your family.​

Explications :

De rien :D j'ai modifié ton texte et corrigé fautes, have a nice night ! ;)

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