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s'il vous plaît aide moi c'est des exercices en anglais et je ne comprends rien merci de votre aide

14. Look at a present before you should
16. The color of Santa's suit.
19. A common decoration for the top of
the tree.
21. A famous snowman.
2. Something people decorate
3. What people give each other.
5. Where Santa's workshop is located.
7. A striped Christmas treat.
8. Drink and food left for Santa.
10. Something people send to each
other to say "Merry Christmas'.
12. The presents are usually
the tree.
22. The place where Santa makes toys.
23. Santa's car?
24. A common decoration for the top of
the tree.
27. A Christmas song.
29. What Santa gives to good girls and

Sagot :


Réponse :


4. Look at a present before you should PEEK

16. The color of Santa's suit. RED

19. A common decoration for the top of the tree. STAR

21. A famous snowman. FROSTY

2. Something people decorate TREE

3. What people give each other. PRESENTS

5. Where Santa's workshop is located. NORTH POLE

7. A striped Christmas treat. CANDY CANE

8. Drink and food left for Santa. MILK AND COOKIES

10. Something people send to each other to say "Merry Christmas’. CARD

12. The presents are usually UNDER the tree.

22. The place where Santa makes toys. WORKSHOP

23. Santa's car? SLEIGH

24. A common decoration for the top of the tree. ANGEL

27. A Christmas song. CAROL

29. What Santa gives to good girls and boys. TOYS


14. Peek
16. Red
19. Star
21. Frosty
2. Tree
3. Present
5. North Pole
7. Candy cane
8. Cookies and milk
10. Christmas card
12. Under
22. Workshop
23. Sleigh
24. Star
27. Jingle bells/ we wish you a merry Christmas
29. Presents
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