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The first reason why we chose this game is because it reminds us a famous game named Among Us,
we thought we could adapt it to natives' history. So it's what we have done. Here is the presentation
of all the roles. To start, the americans: their objective is to kill all sioux by killing one every
night. There is a special american that rebel. Despite the fact that he kills natives with the others, his
goal is to win with the village by eliminating all americans.
Bonjour pouvez-vous seulement corriger mon texte svp

Sagot :


It reminds us OF a famous game....

Et après tu mélanges le prétérit et le présent.
J’aurais mis :
To start , the Americans : their objective was to kill .......

There was a special American that rebel .

Le reste ça m’a l’air d’aller
Bonne soirée
The first reason why we chose this game is because it reminds us a m of a famous game named Among Us,
we thought we could adapt it to natives' history. So that’s what we have done. Here is the presentation
of all the roles. To start, the americans: their objective is to kill all sioux by killing one every
night. There is a special american that is rebel. Despite the fact that he kills natives with the others, his
goal is to win with the village by eliminating all americans.
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