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J’aimerais bien que vous me corriger les fautes pour mon orale d’anglais de bac s’ils vous plait Mercii beaucoup

Bonjour Jaimerais Bien Que Vous Me Corriger Les Fautes Pour Mon Orale Danglais De Bac Sils Vous Plait Mercii Beaucoup class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

Salut, bonne chance pour ton orale:)

Explications :

Then: I would like to talk about the reason obesity in the USA became such a huge problem.


To begin with, the high percentage of obesity in the USA comes with health problems, it gradually increased in the last decade. Numerous countries saw their obesity rait rise.

Among high-income countries, obesity prevalence is highest in the United States and Mexico. About 2 people on 5 are obese. According to a study published in March 2020 appearing in the newspaper "Of the American Medical Association". ( Ici j'ai pas compris ce que tu voulais dire: the US share obes a leaps of...with 34%  in 2007 )

Moreover, multiple factors can make someone obese, it can be because of genetics, high alcohol consumption, lack of sleep, social factors, etc.

Consequently, we have an increase in cardiovascular diabetes type 2, different cancers, articular problems and breathing problems.  Obesity plays such a major role in the US, that the public health is associated with it.           ( pareil j'ai pas compris: a the inability, or mortality).

Conclusion: Obesity and overweight together are the second leading cause of preventable death in the United States. In my opinion, the rate of obese people will keep increasing as long as some Americans don't make an effort on their diet, alcohol consumption, and life in general so Tabasco consumption too.

Hi! I’m bilingual and my going to correct you


I will like to talk about how obese became a big problem in the USA.


Obesity is a problem of health*
United States among is the highest*
Two adults on five is obese*
More than 20 years old were obese*
On the 23 March*


Become a big problem when the public health is associated to the disease*

“Inality” ne veut rien dire, je ne sais pas ce que tu essayais de dire.

Or it becomes*
The rate of obesity will continue to increase as long as the Americans aren’t doing any efforts on food, alcohol and tobacco. Those are very bad things for health.

Hope I helped you :)