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Bonjour, est-ce que quelqu’un peut m’aider svp j’ai beaucoup de mal avec ces questions :

After studying the lesson on conditionals, decide which verb
form is correct in each sentence.

1. If sugar •cannot / • will not get to the cells, it •will start / •starts to build up in the blood stream.

2. If your cells •will not get / •can't get energy from sugar, they
•are trying / •will try to get it from other sources.

3. You •will / •can lose weight unexpectedly if you •suffer / •will suffer from diabetes.

4. If an airborne allergen •enters / •enter the body of a person with an allergy, the immune system •reacts / •reacted.

5. When a person •will suffer / •suffers from severe headaches,
changes in vision, hearing and speech, balance and memory problems, these •can be / •were the signs of brain tumor.

Sagot :

Réponse :


  1. If sugar cannot get to the cells, it will start to build up in the blood stream.
  2. If your cells can't get energy from sugar, they will try to get it from other sources.
  3. You can lose weight unexpectedly if you suffer from diabetes.
  4. If an airborne allergen enters the body of a person with an allergy, the immune system reacts.
  5. When a person suffers from severe headaches, changes in vision, hearing and speech, balance and memory problems, these can be the signs of brain tumor.

Explications :

I hope I helped! Tu pourra me metre un merci!! :))

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