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Bonjour voilà le résumé que j'ai crée en français et traduit en anglais j'aimerais votre aide pour le corrigé SVT c'est URGENT POUR DEMAIN


Dans le film The truman show, on a vue que Truman mène une vie tranquil dans une ville. Il travaille dans un bureau des assurances. Ce qu'il ne sait pas c'est qu'il est filmé 24h sur 24, depuis sa naissance. Sa vie est un show télévisé à très grand succès, là ville où il vit c'est un décor tous entier, son meilleur ami n'est qu'en faite un acteur tous comme le reste des personnes. De plus Truman ne se doute de rien. Sauf qu'il est tombé amoureux d'une femme dont il se souvient. Il veut la retrouvé mais il a peur du bateau et de l'avion (le réalisateur a tous fais pour). Il réussit a tromper les caméras en faisant croire qu'il dormait. Son meilleur ami va chez lui et remarque qu'il n'y est pas. Donc il prévient le réalisateur. C'est à ce moment où on voit que toute la ville part a sa recherche. Truman est sur le bateau dans le noir, le réalisateur décide de mettre le soleil et là Truman a des doutes. Il veut s'enfuit pour la rejoindre. Mais Christof (le réalisateur) décide de lui mettre des obstacles comme une tempête puis un ouragan. Truman souffre mais tiens bon. La tempête finit, il hisse la voile et continue son chemin jusqu'où il se prend un mur (le décor) et là il essaye de la détruire sans réussite. Il marche sur l'eau, jusqu'à des marches, il les monte. Et là Christof lui parle et lui avoue la vérité qu'il est une « star » et lui demande de rester mais Truman  lui dit  sa phrase : « good afternoon , good evening, and good night et décide de découvrir le vrai monde.


In the movie The Truman Show, we saw that Truman lived in a city quiet's . He works in an insurance office. What he does not know is that it is filmed 24 hours on 24, since his born. His life is a television show to great success, city where he lives there is a decoration all over, his best friend is only made as an actor all the rest of the people. Truman don't know nothing. Except he fell in love with a woman whose he remembers. He wants find her but he is afraid about boat and airplane (the director to do all). He managed to fool the camera into thinking he was asleep. His best friend is his home and noticed that there is not. So he warns the director. This is when we see that the city has its share research. Truman is on the boat in the dark, the director decided to put the sun and there Truman doubts. He wants fled to join her. But Christof (the director) decides to put obstacles like a storm and then a hurricane. Truman is suffering but good. The storm ended, he hoisted sail and continues its path it takes far wall (background) and then he tries to destroy it without success. He walks on water, up the stairs, he rises. And there Christof speaks to him and tells him the truth that he is a "star" and asked him to stay but Truman said his sentence: "good afternoon, good evening, and good night and decides to find out the real world.


Bonjour Voilà Le Résumé Que Jai Crée En Français Et Traduit En Anglais Jaimerais Votre Aide Pour Le Corrigé SVT Cest URGENT POUR DEMAIN Dans Le Film The Truman class=

Sagot :


Texte traduit avec mes corrections (je ne dis pas que c'est exact, bien entendu)


In the movie The Truman Show, we saw that Truman lives a quiet life in a city . He works in an insurance office. What he doesn't know is that he's filmed 24 hours a day, since his born. His life is a successful television show, his city is a complete scenery (/set), his best friend is only an actor just like all the others. Moreover, Truman doesn't suspect anything, but the fact he fell in love with a woman whose he remembers. He wants to find her but he is afraid of boats and airplanes (the director makes every efforts for that purpose). He manages to elude the camera making them think he was asleep. His best friend comes home and notices that he isn't there. So he warns the director. At this moment, we see that the whole city is looking for him. Truman is on a boat in the dark when the director decides to put the sun. So Truman begins to doubt. He wants to escape (/run away) to join her. But Christof (the director) decides to put obstacles (like a storm and a hurricane). Truman suffers but keeps holding on. The storm ends, he hoists the sail and continues on his way until he hits a wall  (the scenery). Then he tries to destroy it, unsuccessfully. He walks on water as far as stairs, then he goes up. Here, Christof speaks to him and tells him the truth, he is a "star". He asks him to stay but Truman answers: "Good afternoon, Good evening, and Goodnight" and decides to discover the real world.

In the movie "The Truman Show", we saw that Truman lives a quiet life in a city . He works in an insurance office. What he doesn't know is that he's filmed 24 hours a day, since he was born. His life is a successful television show, his city is a complete set, his best friend is an actor just like all the others. However, Truman doesn't suspect anything, but the fact he fell in love with a woman he remembers. He wants to find her, but he is afraid of airplanesand boats. He manages to elude the camera making them think he was asleep. His best friend comes home and notices that he wasn't there, and warns the director about it. At this moment, the whole city is looking for him. Truman is on a boat in the dark when the director decides to put on the sun. So Truman begins to doubt. He wants to run away to join this woman. But the director decides to put global obstacles such as storms and a hurricanes. Truman suffers but keeps holding on. Once the storm ended, he hoists the sail and continues on his way until he hits a wall, and tries to destroy it. He walks on water as far as stairs, then he goes up. Here, Christof speaks to him and tells him the truth, he is a "star". He asks him to stay but Truman answers: "Good afternoon, Good evening, and Goodnight" and decides to go discover the real world.

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