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Talya goes to India with her parents. On the first
day, they visit the Lotus Temple in Delhi. She finds
it beautiful. Then, they drive to Agra where they
discover the Taj Mahal. She feels like a princess.
Temple. They eat a delicious meal. They don't
Finally, they fly to Jaipur and enter the Golden
have a lot of time but they have a lot of fun.
Rewrite the story in the simple past.
Past actions
V-ed in positive sentences
Didn't + BV in negative sentences
Frétorit siniplo . 176
- Voir irregular verbs p. 182

Talya Goes To India With Her Parents On The First Day They Visit The Lotus Temple In Delhi She Finds It Beautiful Then They Drive To Agra Where They Discover Th class=

Sagot :


Talya went to India with her parents. On the first

day they visited the Lotus temple in Delhi. She found it beautiful. Then they went to Agra where they discovered the Taj Mahal. She felt like a princess.

Finally they flew to Jaipur and entered the Golden Temple. They ate a delicious meal. They didn't

have a lot of time but they had a lot of fun.