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Bonjour, vous pouvez m'aidez svp ? C'est sur Joe Biden.

Birth name .........

Date of birth ..........

Place of birth : …........................…..................................... .

Descents : He is of …..................................... and …..................................... descents.

Personal life : He married his first wife at …................................. . They had 3 …........................... : 2 ….................................. and 1 …................................. . In ….............................., he became a ….................................... . Indeed, his wife and his …..................................... died in a …....................... ….............................. . His 2…...................................survived.

In …..................................... , he married his second wife who is still his …..................................... wife. They 've got one …..................................... .

In 2015, one of his …..................................... died of …..................................... .

Career : First, he was a …..................................... .

Then in …....................................., he was elected to the US …................................... . In fact, he was a US ….............................. for his home state of …..................................... from …..................................... to …..................................... because he was re-elected …............................. times.

He was Barack OBAMA's …..................................... for …..................................... years, ie, from …..................................... to …..................................... .

Finally, he decided to …..................................... for President in …............................. .

He named …..................................... HARRIS as his …................................................... , making her the first …..................................... and …..................................... American woman to run on a presidential …..................................... .

Fun facts : He …..................................... when he was a child, ie, he spoke with difficulty.

In …....................................., he was one of the …..................................... people who had been elected to the US …...................................... and in …..................................... , he will be the …..................................... president to be inaugurated. He will become the …..................................... of the United States Of America.

He first ran for president in …............................................. .

In 2016, he wanted to run for president. But …..................................... persuaded him against it because he thought Hilary …..................................... would have better chances to win the election.

Champ & Major inspired him one of his slogans : « ….....................................….....................................….....................................…..................................... .»

He once said : « I'll run if I can walk », which proves he has a great sense of …..................................... .

Sagot :

Birth name = Joseph Robinette Biden
Date of birth= 20 novembre 1942
Place of birth= Scranton( Pennsylvanie)
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