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bonjour, pouvez vous corriger mon expression ecrite, il faut utiliser le "reported speech"
je sais pas si je l'ai bien fait, merci d'avance

Is it possible to say that DNA is the link between all living species?

The article clearly demonstrates that it is the DNA that links the species to each other. Human has links to cats, dogs, plants, gorillas, and even bananas. Which prove that there is a link between the species. He observed in the video people who had the same origins, the same percentage, they did not know each other. But just that at one point their genealogical branch crossed. So, DNA is the link between all species. The article explain that the dogs share 80% similarity in the DNA with humans, that make dogs are close and very affectionate with human. If they weren’t linked maybe there wouldn’t be this affection to each other.

Sagot :

Réponse :

Bonjour, voila j'espère avoir pu t'aider sinon c'est plutot pas mal bon courage a toi et bonne journée.

Explications :

but at what point (enlève le just)

explain that dogs (enlève le the)

share 80% of their DNA with us. Those similarities in our DNA and theirs shows that our species are quite close and posses common similarities. It also may be, behind the fact of how dogs act in our company with affection for example. ou alors that dogs are affectionate in our company ou with us (comme tu veux)

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