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-- bonjour, est-ce que vous pouvez corrigé mon expression écrite s'il vous plait merci d'avance, et améliorer certaines phrases..
bonne journée

I would like to live like an Inuit because they have a simple way of life.
I could live without all the comfort I have now. I would go to research my own food with all the energy I will have with methods I do not know that I see only in movies without the restaurants or fast food who make life more easier. It might help me to realize how much we over-consuming food and wasting. They consume just what they need, it is important especially in the century where we live. I would be connecting with the environment more quietly. they are especially outside, and they do not have the same vision that a person like me who grow up in City and used much electricity all day non-stop, for me living without electricity it is unimaginable. I would discover a life without stress of society that imposes me a way to live my life with models to follow.

Sagot :

J'ai trouvé des erreurs, je l'ai amélioré un peu et j'ai ajouté quelques phrases, j'espère que cela ne vous dérange pas:

I would like to live like an Inuit because they have a simple way of life. I could live without all the comfort I have now. I can go and look for my own food (je ne pense pas que vous ayez besoin d'ajouter la partie énergie, c'est bien avec juste la partie nourriture) with methods that I do not know, like the ones I only see in movies, without restaurants or fast food places which make life easier/more easy (vous ne pouvez pas utiliser ''more'' avec ''easier'', c'est soit ''easier'', soit ''more easy''). It might help me to realize how much we over-consume and waste food. The Inuits only consume what they need, as it is important especially in the century that we live in where some people cannot eat because we waste too much food. I would be connecting with a more quietly and peaceful environment, especially when going outside. They do not have the same vision as a person who grew up in a city, like me, who uses electricity non-stop. For me, living without electricity is unimaginable and impossible. I would discover a life without the stress that society imposes me on, like the way I have to live life with certain rules to follow, like having to pay to eat or having to pay to live in a house.