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bnj svvvvp aider moi

f. Somebody (steal)______my bicycle! Now I'll have to walk home.

g. Jim (fall)________off his bike three times this months

h. Mary (graduate)___________ from university last July

i. (see)________the movie West Side Story three times. I'm going to see it again.

j. i (lose) _______my key yesterday, so I couldn't get into the house

k. Peter ________(play) football yesterday.

I. They (buy) _______the car. It looks new again.

m. Last year we _________(go) to Italy.

n. I (speak)___________ my friend two days ago.

o. We (be) _________to another country before.

p. She (get)________ a new car in 2011.

q. The girls (have)_________ their lunch yet.

r. i ________in Seattle for five years. (live)

s . When Bob was young he____________in London. (live)

there. (never be)

t. I would like to visit Berlin sometime. Unfortunately, i _________ there (never be )

u. Tim_______to Scotland 3 months ago. (go)

V. I'm afraid I'm not hungry anymore. I ___________(already eat)

w. They don't live here any more. They_________two years ago. (leave)

X. Ann, _________ reading the newspaper yet? (you finish)

Bnj Svvvvp Aider Moi F Somebody Stealmy Bicycle Now Ill Have To Walk Homeg Jim Falloff His Bike Three Times This Monthsh Mary Graduate From University Last July class=

Sagot :


Réponse :


f. Somebody (steal) HAS STOLEN my bicycle! Now I'll have to walk home.

g. Jim (fall) HAS FALLEN off his bike three times this months

h. Mary (graduate) GRADUATED from university last July

i. I (see) HAVE SEEN the movie West Side Story three times. I'm going to see it again.

j. i (lose) LOST my key yesterday, so I couldn't get into the house

k. Peter PLAYED (play) football yesterday.

I. They (buy) HAVE BOUGHT the car. It looks new again.

m. Last year we WENT (go) to Italy.

n. I (speak) SPOKE  my friend two days ago.

o. We (be) HAVE BEEN  to another country before.

p. She (get) GOT a new car in 2011.

q. The girls (have) HAVE HAD their lunch yet.

r. I HAVE LIVED in Seattle for five years. (live)

s . When Bob was young he LIVED in London. (live)

t. I would like to visit Berlin sometime. Unfortunately, I HAVE NEVER BEEN there (never be )

u. Tim WENT to Scotland 3 months ago. (go)

V. I'm afraid I'm not hungry anymore. I HAVE ALREADY EATEN (already eat)

w. They don't live here any more. They LEFT two years ago. (leave)

X. Ann, HAVE YOU FINISHED reading the newspaper yet? (you finish)

Explications :

Indicateurs temporels du présent perfect:

-  just, already, yet, recently, lately,

- for et since

- peut aussi s'exprimer avec  les adverbes today, this week, this month, this year ...

- ever, never, so far, up to now, until now ...

Attention : si il y a des indicateurs de temps spécifiques : yesterday, 5 years ago, last summer, at 3 o’clock, last year, last month, in 1968 ... ==> prétérit

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