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Est ce que ce texte en anglais est bon avec ces temps
Présent simple, Present
Perfect, since et

My first name is sahil! My surname is awan! I am Pakistani.
I was born on the13th of January in 2005. I was born in Pakistan. I came to Pakistan in 2012. So I have lived in France since 7 years. I'm 14 years old. I'm right-handed. I am 1 meter 79 tall.
I live in pavilion sous bois with my parents my 3 brothers
and my 3 sisters .
I have got blue eyes and I am fair-haired.
I'm not muscular but I'm slim.
I have a small mouth, a fine nose and medium-sized ears.
In daily life, I am rather talkative and very nice.
i Speak 2 language french and Urdu
I speak Urdu with my family and I speak French out of the house.
I have a very nice neighborhood location because everything is close to me for example the Monoprix supermarket
Livry gargan station and is full of something else
At home I wash the floor rarely
,I put clothes in the washing machine after school ,I always tidy up my room ,i clean the windows and, go to shopping with my fathers sometimes
. When I have free time I play basketball with my friends, and we talk about everything and nothing.
And in the future I want to be an architect.
thank you for your attention

Sagot :

Hello !

Personnellement , je le trouve génial ton texte , je le comprends , et on peut le comprendre facilement après tout !

Vers la fin pour : In the future I want to be an architect
Ça marche mais si tu veux tu peux aussi dire :
i would like to be an architect (= je voudrais être un architecte )

Mais sinon personnellement je le trouve bien !
J’espère que tu auras une bonne note !

A bientôt ✌️
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