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Bonjour quelqu'un peut m'expliquer cet exercice svp.

Utilise ces mots pour former des groupes nominaux avec deux adjectifs ou plus.


Sagot :

Réponse :

Il me semble que tu dois associer les différents mots ensemble, selon ce qui te semble logique.

De type : " a welcoming and multicultural school"

Explications :


School is a something important where you learn important things about how getting a good successful life.

Being multicultural helps you with everyday things; sometimes occasional when you have special questions.

Today I was happy to see my friend welcoming me to their beautiful house.

I am experienced in the easy english language and in the hard spanish language.

The smart students sit in the back. And the mentally ill students sit in the front of the class.

My young child is playing with his lovely friends.

These captains are so well dressed and so professional!!!

I am engaged in the fire department to save innocent lives from the cruel danger.

I saw a friendly squirrel walking by a beautiful tree that has big leaves.

I am Australian and I am very proud of my beautiful country.

I like foreign languages. They are so beautiful and special to hear!!!

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