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After the sleeping  beauty was asleep, the years passed slowly. The kingdom had become unlivable, the sky was gray and the flowers were fading. One day a very handsome prince charming, blond hair, tall,wirh blues eyes. Herard the rumors about a sleeping princess.he decided to try his luck in vain.
So the sleeping beauty remaind asleep until...

One day during the spring season,a creature that seemed to be a man appeared.
He looked more like an orgre than a man.
He was small, he had a huge nose, big ears, he was bald, he was really ugly.
And the worst thing is that he was necrophile.
So one day, during his walk in the castle, ans he found a girl, the most beautiful he's never seen.
Her face and her body was perfect, everything was perfect.
The little man could not resist touching her, he started undressing her, and during his mouvement, he kissed her, on the lips.
The sleeping beauty woke up and when she sqw that she was getting raped, she quickely react, she even tied his eyes, and then she fled.
Outside, everyone was disoriented and confused.​

Sagot :


A long time ago in a castle A girl was named sleeping beauty because she was always sleeping and wanted someone to save her of her sleeping disease. Years passed slowly. The kingdom became unlivable, the sky was gray and the flowers were fading. One day a very handsome prince with blond hair, tall,wirh blues eyes came. He heard the rumors about a the sleeping princess.he decided to try his luck in vain.

So the sleeping beauty remaind asleep until...

One day during the spring season,a creature that seemed to be a man appeared.

He looked more like an ogre than a man.

He was small, he had a huge nose, big ears, he was bald and was really ugly.

And the worst thing is that he was necrophile.

So one day, during his walk in the castle, ans he found a girl, the most beautiful he had ever seen.

Her face and her body was perfect, everything was perfect.

The little man could not resist touching her, he started undressing her, and during his mouvement, he kissed her, on the lips.

The sleeping beauty woke up and when she saw that she was getting raped, she quickely react, she tore off his eyes, and then she fled.

Outside, everyone was disoriented and cconfused.

parcontre rap c'est violer et c un peu bizar ton histoire