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bonjour eceque quelqu'un peut m'aider à inventer une histoire effrayante en anglais au preterit simple et prétérit progressif en fonction des notion de la photo que j ai poster merci d avance.

Bonjour Eceque Quelquun Peut Maider À Inventer Une Histoire Effrayante En Anglais Au Preterit Simple Et Prétérit Progressif En Fonction Des Notion De La Photo Q class=

Sagot :


It’s the story of a girl, who approaching the seven years. She asked her mother to come with her to choose her birthday’s doll. Both arrived in a shop of toy at the department of the dolls. Among those, all were identical, same eyes, same mouth, same smile, except one which didn’t smile. The mother took one randomly and moved towards the cash desk. But the girl didn’t seem happy, so her mother asked him why. She showed her the doll without smile and explained her it was this one she wanted. The mother didn’t understand, but she shouldn’t oppose a child. They returned at home, the mother pack the doll during her girl went up in her room. It was late, and she was very tired. She put to bed and dreamed of her gift. She saw the small doll far which murmured to her very gently: “I am in the hall, I am in the hall…. ”.

The following day, she made the same dream, at least almost: The doll seemed to approach her, and the voice seemed to become increasingly strong “I am in the hall, I am in the hall…. ”.

Two days later, she could see the features of the doll clearly: the eyes were red blood, and her expression became more and more horrifying. The voice had changed, one could now hear “I am in the staircase, I am in the staircase”.

It didn’t remain now any more that 2 days, and she really started to panic. By fear of ridicule, she didn’t speak about with her mother. The night arrived, she tried to don’t close the eyes, but tiredness gained. She saw the doll then going towards very she slowly, “I am in the corridor, I am in the corridor”. By chance, she woke up in time.

Her bed was soaked and her mother cherished her face. She seemed to be caught up with by the fever.

The day before her birthday, she remained with the bed all the day. The night came, she greedily looked at the sunset and feared more than all her nightmare. She remained waked up, but seemed to hear a small voice: “I am under your bed”. She felt the fever to go up and started to wonder whether she won’t being delirious. She had not enough force to rise and the sound of the voice reasoned in her head increasingly strong. That hurt her, more and more badly, but she was not able to get rid of this infernal voice. She rose to light the light, stumbled, and disappears. The following day, one found her dead to lengthen by ground. The scientists declared the fever guilty. However, when the mother unpacked the gift, one could see now that the doll smiled.

(has to meditate on all the other dolls)



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