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Préparer son discours qui sera à faire devant la classe à l'oral, je dois me présenter en tant que président donner mes qualités, défauts et mes projets. Si quelqu'un peut m'aider.
Merci d'avance!

Sagot :



ça dépend c'est quoi tes qualités tes défauts et tes projets ?

Hi my name is .... (tu done ton nom ) today I’m here as a candidate For our new American president I’ll be here to present You  my program for the new America I am very motivated very very motivated I want my Americans to be motivated as I am I want to make this America better a game one of my best qualities are I never give up I work hard no matter how hard the situation is I never cry well sometimes I do alone but never cry when I have some difficulties in front of me I always look forward never look to my past but of course everyone have some Bad qualities to and one of my bad qualities are that I am so emotional very much emotional when it comes to poor people who don’t have food who don’t have homes and I want to change that in America that’s why I am presenting as myself as a new president of United State of America I want you to know that I am here for you I am here for the poor people I am the voice of the poor people I want to give the best health insurance to them force they are the priority of my system I want to improve so many things in America specially for the young youth I think they need more technology to develop their ideas they need more free education to make this America better     voila